Manhattan's newest park is a neat little bow stitched into this tattered ribbon.
The vellum was old and discolored, the ribbon tattered and faded.
His clothing hung in tattered, bloodstained ribbons from bis body, and his thick black hair lay plastered to his head.
The wind caught at the ragged banners of the flames, tearing them into long, tattered ribbons, which ignited other growth beyond.
How many more miles could this tattered ribbon of crusted sludge wend its weary way through the inferno?
But before her stunned brain could move beyond shock into fear, she saw the faded, tattered red ribbon tied around its finger.
The arm was hanging on a tattered ribbon of flesh, and Clinton used the sleeves of his shirt to make a sling for it.
An old, tattered green ribbon.
Jane Flowers, a jewelry designer from Houston, saw Ms. Carr's tattered ribbon and offered to transform it, rumpled as it was, into a solid pin.
Blood dripped down from the tattered ribbons of his mane.