When I was 17, my first girlfriend gave me a tattered copy of a novel she loved.
But I have my tattered old copy in front of me now, and I can't say it looks much like a feminist tract.
It was a tattered copy of Sailing Directions.
Although the books were sold until 1970 and remained in some classrooms through the decade, the tattered copies were eventually retired.
There, amidst the rawest pornography, he found tattered copies of every book Trout had ever written.
Cohen, trying to run the meeting, gestured to his tattered copy of the reduction plan.
He is obsessed with the Constitution and carries a tattered copy of it in his pocket, given him years ago by Justice Hugo Black.
Next to the now tattered copy of Burgoyne's Instructions were two letters.
Burinski sat alone, the umbrella on the table alongside him as he read a tattered copy of Anna Karenina.
He went into the shop and came back with a tattered copy of the London A to Z Street Atlas.