A more tattered and woeful army never came out of a battle, than these harmless victims of the rocky passage.
La Romana dutifully marched his tattered army to cover his ally's retreat, but was defeated by Soult at the Battle of Mansilla.
The trip through Maine left a tattered, very ill army to invade Quebec.
Standing concealed in the shadows, they could see the approaching force-a ragged, tattered army of corpses, shuffling and shambling in what they remembered as military formation.
A summer-long campaign that had seen the Dark Queen pushed until the remnants of her tattered army were grouped around her at the base of a massive obsidian obelisk.
A tattered army, is it they who are defeated, or the America in which they cannot find housing?
She charged Musket with collecting what provisions her tattered army had brought and rationing them out fairly among all the detachments.
We saw your tattered army coming through.
The oddly piercing eyes glittere4, uncannily from under a tattered army peaked cap.
At last, on the afternoon of the fifth day, the tattered and exhausted army came again to the shores of the Rill Song.