At the city's expense, the city removed the old signs and replaced them with tasteful signs that sit on the ground.
In fact, we were munching McDonald's french fries as we rounded the bend into Glen Ellen and shot by the Gaige House's tasteful but small sign.
A tasteful sign said Countryside Hills.
I was not content when all those roads were built, but the parkways were pretty; tree-lined, with small and tasteful signs.
Plans also call for new columns with clearer and more tasteful directional signs.
It was a big white colonial-style house, with a circular driveway, marked by a tasteful white and green hand-painted sign.
The captain followed his gaze and spotted a nondescript establishment with a tasteful sign in the window which read Bayool Cafe.
Also in the window were pieces of glass, china, brass, and copper, plus a tasteful sign on a small easel:
But since this is private housing, rather than an institutional building, some board officials say care should be taken to provide a tasteful sign that does not mar the ambiance of the interior.
A small, tasteful sign explained that the path to the left led to the cable car station, eighty meters away, where one could ride to the top of Mount Olympus.