He would have played down his tart comments about his teammate Tiki Barber.
Christy only just managed to bite back the tart comment that there was absolutely no need for her to underline the disparity in their financial and social positions with such name-dropping.
He ignored Anne's tart comments about disliking playthings that reminded her of the war.
Many could well be taken as illustrations of Sir Thomas Smith's tart comment on those self-styled gentlemen whose pretensions outran their resources.
Consider the source,' K'vin said when he thought Zulaya might fire a tart comment after the Lord Holder.
Runciman was relying more and more on Sharpe as a companion to stave off the necessity of dealing with the sardonic Lord Kiely whose tart comments constantly dispirited Runciman.
"Tell him you're a camera," was his wife's tart comment.
There are a lot of voices to make happy in this panel, and Parcells looked a little too genial on Sunday to jump in often with tart comments.
This is folklore romanticized, and Mr. Feld choreographically responds to the sweetness of the music while adding a few tart comments of his own.
The dichotomy was so disturbing, she couldn't help her tart comment.