This time, tarpaulin sheets were used to fix the broken glass, but that does not match the beauty and dignity of the Cathedral.
Shortly after 2pm IST on April 15, a delivery of 500 tarpaulin sheets arrived.
One of the perpetrators said he couldn't control his anger when he saw that Singh "was distributing the [tarpaulin] sheets only to his party supporters."
The crates were covered only with tarpaulin sheets.
I sat beside him for a long time under the tarpaulin sheet which the men had rigged up between the trees to make a primitive tent.
The beaten-earth village square was covered with blue tarpaulin sheets.
He pushed aside the tarpaulin sheet which had been raised as a screen over the mouth of the Close and stepped inside.
The platoon march to the door holding a tarpaulin sheet above their heads.
THE tarpaulin sheet that was a homeless teenager's only shelter was stolen yesterday the day his plight was reported in The Northern Echo.
Under the tarpaulin sheet he had two mattresses and a discarded school seat.