As a result of these agreements, tariffs in Japan fell to a low level on average.
Chinese tariffs from telecommunications to autos to agriculture will fall by half or more.
Yet Japan's tariffs fell to zero in 1990 - while the United States still imposes a duty of 3.7 percent on imported film.
Even under the longest schedule, tariffs will have fallen significantly by the end of the decade.
Under the North American pact, some tariffs are falling only gradually, over as long as 15 years.
The proposed tariffs fall under Section 301 of United States trade law, which has never been challenged in court.
On the other hand, Chinese tariffs will fall by more than half over five years in every sector - from telecommunications to automobiles to agriculture.
However, as a result of the ongoing liberalization in the telecommunications sector in 2007, the operators' tariffs fell considerably.
The statement noted that on average, tariffs on Russian imports would fall to 4 percent, from 9 percent now.
Under our proposal, our average agricultural tariff will fall from 23% to 12%, which incidentally is the same as the current US level.