Lower-than-expected sales in Europe drove up Ford's marketing costs, while new tariffs in Brazil cut into sales expected there, the company said.
It is too early to tell if the new tariffs will significantly cut into sales, he said.
Fierce competition from the United States and East Asia since Mexico lowered tariffs had severely cut into one of his primary businesses, automobile gaskets and seals.
After a decade of economic adjustment directed by the International Monetary Fund, Morocco has seen inflation reduced to 5.6 percent, tariffs cut and the foreign-debt burden lowered.
"Because higher tariffs cut trade," snapped Altara.
They say the tariffs have raised their costs, cut their profits and forced them to delay expansion and lay off employees.
Mr. Nader and other critics describe the tariff cuts as a giveaway to international corporations.
"If the tariffs cut into our sales to the U.S., we'll have to let some of our workers go."
They dictate that the EU lift its average tariff cut close to that requested by the G-20 developing countries.
The tariff cut narrowly saved my Council from the folly of borrowing £9 million over 25 years to instal PV on 1000 homes, to give them free (why?)