The tariffs applied to imports of things like iron, wool and finished cotton products.
(The tariff does not apply when the screen is imported to the United States as part of a larger computer system.)
In most parts of Brazil a low social tariff applies to the first block of consumption.
And because it was not known that the tariffs would apply only to white wines, the warehouses are also jammed with reds.
The new tariff applies only to imports above the average level of the last three years.
The American tariffs apply to canned hams, dried tomatoes, instant coffee and fruit juices.
Each transition student received, on each term's record, a personalized statement of exactly how the tariffs applied to his/her individual circumstances (see Figure 1.2).
The question now is whether the tariff applies to vans and sports vehicles.
Commissioner, we need to ensure that these preferential tariffs also apply to products from the settlements.