Now, with no other views to challenge or obscure this desire, the South turned almost unanimously against the tariff bill of 1820.
They are lawyers who were not widely noted for their focus on trade, currencies or China before introducing the tariff bill.
When the Council again rejected his tariff bill, he resigned, leaving the Governor, Charles Darling, unable to find anyone else who could form a government.
In June 1783 a new tariff bill was passed to help relieve some of the debt of the poverty-stricken state.
The tariff bill that Morrison wanted never even made it unscathed through the Ways and Means Committee.
However, the House took no action on either tariff bill during the 35th Congress.
We pass the highest tariff bill in history.
The tariff bill was a big factor.
Thus, the House of Representatives immediately passed a tariff bill sponsored by Payne, calling for reduced tariffs.
In 1842 Tyler did sign a tariff bill protecting northern manufacturers.