The show was targeted towards fans under the age of 18.
Sometimes an entire biome may be targeted for protection, especially under an individual nation's Biodiversity Action Plan.
Once this process is complete, racing is hopeful for 2013, yet most likely targeted for 2014 under a new management & name.
Sometimes an entire biome may be targeted for protection, especially under an individual nation's biodiversity action plan.
Establish integrated management systems (as defined in the Act) to control or contain undesirable plants targeted under the cooperative agreements.
As such, he was targeted under the Sedition Act of 1798.
Sectors targeted under this law include - but are not limited to - agriculture, industry, tourism, services and health.
The sites identified in this global inventory will be targeted for cleanup under a global alliance.
In total, about 3,000 schools will be targeted under the tougher regime.
Though a legal opposition party, many of its activists were targeted during the height of political violence under military rule.