The six target sectors are work-family balance, military, faith, corrections, community-based organizations, and healthcare.
A noncom ran from one clump of troopers to the next, assigning target sectors.
To help mitigate these risks, it is important to not rely on any one single method of sampling to gather data about a target sector.
A robust performance was underpinned by the Company's continuing drive to increase operational efficiency, add incremental business with key customers in target sectors and reduce costs.
So what that does is it moves the head a random distance and direction from the target sector and then brings the head back.
Once it arrives at the target sector, it travels to the designated asteroid and builds the base.
The first thing anyone saw was the wall-sized HoloMap of the target sector.
Pay attention to each agent's reputation, trading history, current portfolio and knowledge of your target sector.
In the target sectors for greater competition, the picture is frankly unacceptable.
With regard to the protection of consumers' rights, we also say that workers' organizations in target sectors for privatization must be consulted.