This could lower development costs depending on the tools required to develop native apps for the target platforms.
Designers of embedded systems may have many hardware drivers and system services which are specific to a target platform.
It also means learning how to code for every target platform.
Even if you feel great about knowing the architecture of your target platform without a good design you are going to be sunk.
We do this by creating a state machine and model-view-controller architecture that's independent of the target platform.
Of these phases, only the last two require specific knowledge of the eventual target platform.
The main distinction is the packaging format and the specificity of the target platform.
Since Tkabber is written in an interpreted language, it does not require any "building" for a target platform.
Such assets usually have a level of complexity that is too great for the target platform to render in real-time.
It is the responsibility of compilers to implement the operator correctly for each target platform.