Emails are sent to target organizations that contain contextually relevant information.
These attacks have targeted innocent civilians, humanitarian programs and international organizations trying to help the Haitian people.
It added: "In the name of all that is wild we will continue to target industries and organizations that seek to profit by destroying the earth."
In targeting such organizations, Israel often uses military strikes against organizations, individuals, and possibly infrastructure.
The Wikileaks and Anonymous guys think they are doing the people justice by without much investigation or education exposing information or targeting organizations?
In the late 1970s, the firm targeted not-for-profit, community-based organizations receiving federal grants from the Great Society programs.
But there will be an inevitable temptation to target organizations - whether mosques, synagogues or political groups - simply because of government antipathy.
Relief officials report a new pattern of harassment targeting American-financed organizations.
As the group targeted various companies, agencies and organizations, it leveraged social media tools like Twitter to publicize what was going on.
The registration requirement did not target organizations, but was predicated upon certain conduct.