They targeted both blacks and whites for violation of racial norms and for perceived moral lapses.
But he flatly rejected allegations that the police unfairly target blacks and Hispanics.
Irish gangs targeted blacks because of competition for work.
The indicators are often a proxy for the motorist's race: One trooper admits he was trained to target blacks.
They target blacks, women, kids, cowboys, rednecks, they target everybody, and you know it.
Although discriminatory policies still targeted blacks, South Jersey became a haven for ex-slaves.
He charged that police unfairly targeted blacks while turning their backs on white atrocities.
The rioters targeted affluent blacks, whom they regarded as "uppity Negroes."
For example, there is a belief that cigarette makers are targeting blacks.
Over the last few weeks we have gotten a glimpse of the ways in which R. J. Reynolds targeted blacks.