Upon execution the runtime loads this code and compiles to machine instructions on the target architecture.
This process involves writing, or re-writing, the application's computer code to suit the target architecture or operating system.
The technical architecture is the basis for selecting and implementing the infrastructure to establish the target architecture.
The runahead team creates prototypes that resemble the target architecture of the system, using the primary technologies or technical backups.
The following table of available controller boards lists various target architectures for particular controllers.
During RTL generation, the constraints for the given target architecture are checked.
Each view of the target architecture has some overlap with aspects of the other views.
The resulting compiler executable would have additional 'ross' before the target architecture in its name.
These were then replicated for each target architecture and OS allowing the production of highly efficient code for all.
Code is interpreted or is just-in-time compiled into machine code for the target architecture.