He quickly made clear that it wasn't the Signals directorate he was targeting, especially after this morning.
The 1990s saw the beginnings of a new wave of animated series targeted primarily to adults, after a lack of such a focus for over a decade.
It targeted men aged 18-25 in the "morning after" phase following a gambling binge, when they were most likely to seek help for problem gambling.
El Alcázar was a Spanish newspaper targeting the búnker, the hardline supporters of Francoism even after Franco's death.
Instead he was targeting one person after another, blasting out precision strikes that were taking opponents in the shoulder or upper arm or thigh.
The opposition Progressive Conservatives targeted Barrett as a vulnerable minister after the business community's harsh response to her labour reforms in 2000.
Cablevision targeted the Mets late last year after a deal to acquire the Yankees collapsed.
"Mr. Adler" never put on a uniform, but just directed to target after target.
"They're targeting our after shields," Spillane reported.
Many analysts are expecting a reduction of a quarter-point in the Federal funds target rate, to 4.75 percent, after two quarter-point reductions in the last six weeks.