According to the law, all packets of cigarettes must display a health warning and a limit is imposed on the tar content of cigarettes.
It can also compensate the loss of flavor associated to procedures lowering tar content.
The European Parliament is considering a directive that would cut the tar content of cigarettes and require larger health warnings on packs.
Some brands have an equivalent tar content of the middle or high tar cigarette brands.
The European Community agreed today to cut the tar content of cigarettes and moved toward banning some forms of tobacco advertising in all its member countries.
Silk Cut is also available in a lower tar version and an ultra low tar version with a tar content of only 0.1 mg.
Heavier hydrocarbons may condense as tar; smoke with significant tar content is yellow to brown.
The proposal consolidates the existing internal market rules on product regulation, including tar content of cigarettes and the use of health warning labels.
They concern paragraph 13 on the tar content in rolling tobacco.
Science is still not sure how the tar content can be measured in this kind of tobacco, as no hand-rolled cigarette is the same as another.