These earplugs achieve a seal due to their tapered shape, rather than expansion after being rolled.
Ralph Lauren recently introduced his Black Label line ($1,295 to $1,800), with classic fabrics but a more tapered shape.
A tapered shape allows the feet to move in a more natural motion than with larger snowshoes, which force a wider stance.
The island was a great block of black volcanic rock, its tapered shape thrusting up from a black and oily sea.
Sony's other tablet device, the S, is made in a unique tapered shape, with one side easier to hold than the other.
So far, the car is best embodied in a tapered silvery shape, part sow bug and part model for a science-fiction film.
The fine double-breasted tailoring against the soft cotton T, the long, narrow street shoes, plainly made, but with an elegant tapered shape.
In this light, the tapered, huge-shouldered shape of the mystic Anasazi shaman lost its color and became merely a dark form.
Together with the tapered shape, this design feature helps protect the feet, which are more vulnerable to heat loss than other parts of the body.
Although it is a dome-style tent, it has a tapered rectangular shape that provides large interior volume.