The investigation so far has turned up no evidence of wrongdoing and is consistent with the view that the tapes were simply lost in transit.
The tapes were lost, though a bootleg of the band is circulating.
The tapes for this are now lost, though a bootleg of the band in concert has surfaced.
They recorded a solo album although the tapes were subsequently lost.
But the tapes were lost in the shuffle after Valley Hope.
The original tape has unfortunately been lost, and only copies remain.
However, the album was never released because the tapes were lost by the airline on their return to the United States.
The programme title is something of a misnomer, since the tapes were not lost but simply shelved for many years.
At six minutes, it was too long to be a single and has never received commercial release; the tape has since been lost.
This tape was soon lost, meaning that this piano is missing from the 1975 Quadrophonic mix.