He also shows the Porters how to tap certain trees which contain a special sap which they can use to fuel the truck.
This deforestation began in the mid 19th century by loggers and "chicleros" who tapped trees for sap to make chewing gum.
It did not come to light again until the 19th century, when labourers tapping trees for gum stumbled across the ruins.
"Summer is when the trees put away their starch," said Mr. Norman, who has tapped trees for 25 years.
He expects to tap enough trees this year to bottle about 5,000 gallons, at $100 a bottle.
Most is produced by tapping trees; however, some is collected in fossilized form from the ground.
Time was, workers walked the groves tapping trees with tall poles to shake the fruit to the ground.
This is the old-fashioned method of tapping trees, but it works for me.
He distributed rubber seeds to many planters and developed the first technique for tapping trees for latex without causing serious harm to the tree.
In the past, the Orang Kanaq were slave workers tapping trees in rubber plantations.