And finally Kinnison, worrying at his tantalizing thought as a dog worries a bone, crystallized it.
That was a tantalizing thought.
But listening to her cogently mapping out what we needed to indict, a tantalizing thought took hold of me.
Coming in from the cold, Trip thought, mesmerized for a moment by that tantalizing thought.
The championship also left a tantalizing thought in Williams's mind: What if?
Perhaps the tantalizing thoughts of three straight days off after 36 games in 38 days had some Yankees thinking about fun and friends instead of first.
A tantalizing thought played across the boy's mind, a thought not easy to formulate but one that he could not throw aside.
But it's still a tantalizing thought.
But she sipped, knowing that for a moment it had been a tantalizing thought.
It was a tantalizing thought.