The findings offer a tantalizing suggestion that another cataclysmic meteor impact might be to blame.
Throughout the piece, there was a tantalizing suggestion of the gargoyle poses and of the ways in which those poses might initiate or complete continuing motion.
This is a tantalizing suggestion, but it doesn't lead anywhere conclusive, because we know (from Archbold) that Leggatt is real.
Rose raised the tantalizing suggestion last night that if Giamatti were still alive, he would have reinstated Rose.
Scholem's further and most tantalizing suggestion, that the Jewish enlightenment was itself a kind of secularized Sabbateanism, has already been severely criticized.
She lifted her knees so that nothing but shadow masked the space between her thighs; he would see only the most tantalizing suggestion.
Still, the tantalizing suggestion had emerged, from all their fieldwork.
It is a tantalizing suggestion - and not altogether implausible, given the growing web of ties between the two regional Bell operating companies.
I'm also dismissing such tantalizing suggestions as bare midriffs and barely veiled fantasies.
There was a tantalizing suggestion always present in his mind that something was eluding him--that he should know many things which he did not know.