The most tantalizing prospect for diodes, however, could be a challenge to the light bulb's supremacy.
This tantalizing prospect depends on a number of assumptions.
It's a tantalizing prospect: weight loss without any hunger or deprivation.
But for parents whose children would need scholarships or financial aid, the tantalizing prospect of professional training seemed remote.
She let that tantalizing prospect hang in the air for a moment.
And the tantalizing prospect of things that could be when the Pass was over.
For developers and municipalities, the Governor's pledge is a tantalizing prospect.
Between those two points of view lies a seven-story hull sitting under the hot Southern sun, hardly a tantalizing prospect for anyone.
It's a tantalizing prospect, but a lot of practical difficulties will have to be overcome to make it a reality.
The only tantalizing prospect the evening had to offer now was the chance of a conversation with Kit.