She was following me as we made our way through the tangled trees, but apparently my voice had been all the clue she needed.
She uncoiled herself like a snake and crawled to the edge of the tangled trees.
Her sister was in the tangled trees, and into some kind of dust or mist.
Behind him was a hill, its Z02 slopes covered with tangled trees.
The sun was over the rim of the Common now, and there was the beginnings of darkness in the tangled trees.
At the bottom of the long hill was the river and how cool and still were the tangled trees overhanging the water!
The ground was rutted, and tangled trees on either side created a natural alley.
The tangled trees bordering soft islands in the rice marshes rose up at him.
There was no sky, only thick, healthy tangled trees arching over my head.
And as I stared at the clumps of low, tangled trees up ahead, a thought pushed its way into my head.