My mind was filled with tangled thoughts, impressions, a patterning I could see extending out into the unborn time.
She needed time alone, time to sort through the conflicting emotions of heart and soul, time to unravel her tangled thoughts.
A million tangled thoughts flashed through his mind with the speed of electricity.
The sounds were muffled, like the clang of the ferry-house bell that beat dimly into Doug's tangled thoughts.
Though it was difficult to sort order out of the tangled thoughts.
"I see I've surprised you," Belwick said, breaking into the rush of her tangled thoughts.
She is sitting on the living sofa, her thoughts a little tangled and slow.
She spent the time migrating between listening at the wall and watching through the window, and achieved precisely nothing except even more tangled thoughts.
There was a silence while she tried to unravel her tangled thoughts, to understand his motive, to find the right questions.
He remembered the sheets he had written on long ago, the tangled thoughts.