He crashed through the tangled growth of the forest after the human, blinded by his tears.
Picking a path through the tangled growth would become a blind, exhausting flight for a normal man.
Its tangled growth provides good shelter and nest sites for small birds.
He flitted quickly among the tangled growth and peered ahead.
Those who had followed them through the mountain were now prepared to batter a way through the tangled growth.
He moved as rapidly as the limited light and the tangled growth allowed.
"By the way," she said, finding it easier to bring this up when he was bending over the tangled growth, weeding.
He headed for a break in the tangled growth near the old house, and they pushed their way along a narrow, bramble-crossed track.
G-8 crouched as he moved through the tangled growth.
With a shudder, he turned away, and followed after Blade as she picked her way through the tangled growth of the forest floor.