The students who have benefited from his generosity are tangible reminders to us of the direct impact he has made in their lives.
The wall is the last tangible reminder of Germany's war guilt, an open wound that could not be closed.
They were the last tangible reminder of her life in Tahiti.
He'd wanted the tangible reminder of what they were to each other, the symbol of it.
The surviving safe houses, he said, are "a tangible reminder of man's humanity."
But we're leaving behind us a tangible reminder of what we have done.
"It's hard to hold on to the Scottish tradition here, and so to lose such a tangible reminder is really a blow."
Not much, certainly, but a tangible reminder of home.
This can help prevent unnecessary jealousy by giving the older child a tangible reminder that he is special too.
The tangible reminder is the stack of bills the Greens must pay each month.