It was simply the outward sign of an inward imprisonment; a tangible manifestation of her irreducible mortality.
Much has been made since the election of the growing assertiveness of the parliamentary Conservative Party, and here was its first tangible manifestation.
He came to believe that the sandworms were not Shaitan after all, but blessings from Buddallah himself, perhaps even tangible manifestations of God.
The car is a symbol, they say -the most tangible manifestation of the loss of communal space, walkable streets and sites of free expression.
Thereby, the creature of statute is the tangible manifestation of the functions or work described by a given statute.
He claimed asylums for handicapped people were not only valuable centres of scientific research, but also tangible manifestations of Christian charity.
This must change our approach, cultural and otherwise, towards free trade and the tangible manifestations of the relationship between the European Union and its major competitors.
This is a specific, tangible manifestation of something that textbooks refer to as the 'global economy'.
Works of art are the tangible manifestation, the highest aspirations, of man as he expresses himself in visual terms.
Money traditionally has been the most tangible manifestation of political support.