There was a tangible feeling of enjoyment at the tables (and rarely do I sit with groups where over 75% have read the recently published government white paper!)
Across central France, in the mairies of small towns, there was a tangible feeling that too much was being given to remote and unelected bureaucrats, that the political class did not speak for France.
Still, not even the photo-op hungry politicians could take away from the tangible feeling of excitement.
Along similar lines, bosses were given their own visible lifebars to aid the player and to add a more tangible feeling to their impending defeat.
It is a tangible feeling God is there.
It was almost a tangible feeling as the atoms of die strange material seemed to part to let him through to her.
It is this abbreviation, this compression, that gives rise to the almost tangible feeling that we live, rootless and uncertain, among shifting dunes.
Once on the WELL, there's a tangible feeling of being plugged in" to a cyber community.
English is spoken everywhere and there's a tangible feeling of national pride; people dress up to go out in the evenings and children wear smart school uniforms.
I wrote it as a way to make tangible my feelings about Dr. King.