For the first time, Oba felt a very tangible connection to his father.
This may be a last chance for them to be reunited with a tangible connection to a family that was lost.
One of the tangible connections from this episode to the present are the notes that were printed at the time.
The deal would also give the museum a tangible connection with descendants of some of the people who created the artifacts in its collection.
These days, she believes it may be one of the only tangible connections she will ever have to her family.
I must demonstrate a tangible and legal connection between such an organization and the one who destroys me.
They provide a tangible connection to the past.
It has to come up with more tangible connections and orient us all more or less in the same direction.
He would have to tell her that the Land was physically self-contained-that it had no tangible connection to their world.
Individuals with few or no tangible connections to these groups do the killing.