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Head away from here on a tangent to the east.
My mind kept going off on tangents of its own.
"He does not go off on tangents about social policy."
We, of course, are in our own space and beyond time or tangent.
Now was not the time to go off on a tangent.
I seem to have gone off on a little tangent there.
Some one said that he went off at a tangent in 1912.
With nothing to do, his mind went along that tangent for several minutes.
That's what I started to tell you before we went off at a tangent.
But, he added, it may lead students off on the wrong tangent.
His stories always came back to where they started, despite all their tangents.
But then it goes off on its own tangent completely.
He's off on a bit of a tangent, and it's not a bad idea to give him some space.
While they are young we find them always shooting off at a tangent.
"If people go off on their own tangents, my job is to get them back in step," he said.
I reserve my right to go off on a tangent.
I wondered why my mind was going off on all these tangents.
Everything else is like little tangents that expand on the idea.
After an hour or so, he came to a point where another road struck off at a tangent.
He suddenly went off on a tangent about some bird.
I must say I'm following the pirate tangent with great interest.
"I've seen him cut people short where he thinks they're off on a tangent."
Tangent looked a lot like one of those figures, except that she was real.
But James's mind had already taken off on a tangent, as it frequently did.
For a moment, his mind sped off at a tangent.