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He also introduced the cotangent, and produced the first tables of for it.
'Try to remember what a cotangent is, and let us begin again.
For the basis cotangent vectors, the Hodge dual is given as (see here)
The correct definition of the cotangent complex begins in the homotopical setting.
The first formula then proves that the construction of the cotangent complex is local on the base in the flat topology.
Most applications will want cotangent to match the transformed geometry (and associated uv's).
Each tensor is characterized by its ranks, which indicate how many tangent and cotangent factors it has.
According to the Major League Baseball system, a high fly will descend at an angle whose cotangent is 0.6.
The two expressions are derived from identities involving the cotangent and cosecant functions.
"Tell me how much the cotangent of the ellipse of the cube root of seven is."
The tangent of an angle equals the cotangent of its complementary angle.
Since there were 7 palms in a cubit, the seked was 7 times the cotangent.
The space Z is therefore isomorphic to the projectivized cotangent bundle of the n-sphere.
In other words, the quantity he found for the seked is the cotangent of the angle to the base of the pyramid and its face.
The magnitude of this force is proportional to the cotangent of the angle (depicted in orange) between the green circle and the contact plane.
An important application of a simplicial commutative ring is the construction of a cotangent complex.
Its momentum phase space is the vertical cotangent bundle of coordinated by and endowed with the canonical Poisson structure.
(One often defines the tangent and cotangent spaces for a manifold in the analogous manner.)
Let X be smooth over S. Then the cotangent complex is Ω.
Hyperbolic cotangent:
Momentum vectors are linear functionals on the tangent plane, known as cotangent vectors.
Therefore the shear factor is the cotangent of the angle by which the vertical lines tilt, called the shear angle.
In that way, this trigonometric identity involving the cotangent and the cosecant also follows from the Pythagorean theorem.
Let L denote the relative cotangent complex of B over A. Then we have the formulas:
T of the tangent and cotangent bundles, which are formal sums of a vector field and a one-form.