Jinian had been delivered by a tame beast from a circus, since she was actually the daughter of a pawnish acrobat by some Gamesman of note.
The tame ones will go like all tame beasts; in a few genera- tions they'll be big, beautiful, rich-blooded, stupid--rubbish!
Hundreds of the huge creatures captured in a trap--driven in by tame beasts.
All you beasts, wild and tame, bless the Lord You sons of men, bless the Lord.
Are you content, now that you have driven me like a tame beast as far as this empty banquet-hall and empty deserted gallery?
Are the spiders your tame beasts or your pets, if killing them makes you angry?
On this particular Sabbath, which was very hot, after he had done whatever he intended to do, he dismounted from his horse, a tame old beast.
The war-horse had stood too long in a stall's confinement with tamer beasts.
"Because they are brave men, O King, and I would not see the bones of such cracked by tame beasts in a cage."
The tame ones will go like all tame beasts; in a few generations they'll be big, beautiful, richblooded, stupid -- rubbish!