In the midwest it is found in the tall-grass prairie.
These regions generally have either forest or tall-grass prairie as natural ground cover and include some of the most productive farmlands in the world.
A walking trail goes by Cub Creek, through the streamside woods and restored tall-grass prairie, and past various building sites and the family cemetery.
The 13 million acres of tall-grass prairie are all but gone.
If you head west from my house near the western border of Minnesota, you will begin at the edge of the tall-grass prairie.
The restoration movement today builds on findings made five decades ago, when researchers at the University of Wisconsin began to decipher the complexities of tall-grass prairies.
Historically, Katy Prairie was characterized as a poorly drained tall-grass prairie subject to periodic fires and containing a considerable amount of wetland areas.
The quiet, 160-acre site preserves a small remnant of the streamside woods and tall-grass prairie that pioneers encountered on the Great Plains.
In the eastern part of this grassland area is the tall-grass prairie, which contains such grasses as big bluestem, Indian grass, and prairie cordgrass.
The 19th-century 'sodbusters' converted them largely to agriculture, particularly the eastern tall-grass prairies, of which less than 4% remain.