Then, after a moment's silence; "That's a mighty tall pedestal you've got her on, Willie boy."
The chosen solution was to bring in a tall pedestal to elevate and effectively enlarge the sculpture.
A granite basin flowed into a tall, octagonal pedestal.
It stands 7 feet high on top of a 4 feet and 4 inches tall pedestal.
He pointed to an enormous mummy case on a tall pedestal next to Uncle Ben's.
They also built special versions on tall pedestals for dock side unloading duties.
Her attention was all on the ungainly, squat machine sitting on top of a tall concrete pedestal in the distance.
This consisted of a statue on a tall pedestal, a total of 48 feet high.
The consists of an urn on a tall pedestal.
Another throne stood on a tall pedestal behind him, gilded also, but with a lion picked out in white gemstones against red.