My wine was served in a shallow, triangular-shaped saucer, while my meat was crammed into a tall, slender-stemmed goblet.
Kairen's blue eyes were cold enough that it seemed her stare alone might shatter the tall goblet she was working on.
Leri asked as Moreta measured the fellis juice into her tall goblet.
There were some tall goblets on a table.
She poured her husband a tall goblet of nectar.
Now his studio holds box after box of carved items made from the branch, from goblets not quite 4 inches tall to a platter 16 inches long.
The tall goblets, 8 1/2 to 10 1/2 inches, are $400 (for clear glass) to $595 (for colored).
As the two men took their seats, a waiter appeared from nowhere and poured their tall goblets full of wine.
In tall goblets, champagne sends jewels aloft.
So pour yourself a tall goblet of Manischewitz and party with Matisyahu...on Yahoo!