It seemed that when he climbed a tall elm and couldn't get down, he had cried and called for his father.
It is lined with tall elms and 18th- and 19th-century wooden houses and barns.
His voice died away in a weary murmur, and he turned to look again at the distant mountaintops beyond the fringe of tall elms.
Dunk swept a hand above his head, at the branches of the tall elm that loomed above them.
At the green grass and the reeds, the tall elm, the ripples dancing across the surface of the sunlit pool.
It was shaded by tall elms, and the graveyard surrounded it completely, many of the graves being directly under its windows.
Rooks circled and cawed noisily above a line of tall elms.
The tall elms, ragged-edged, seemed to be sailing slowly along over the white vapour.
On Sunday morning she lay long in bed, with the windows wide open, watching the sky beyond the tall denuded elms.
We sat out-of-doors beneath tall elms, overlooking the Hudson River.