A forest of tall conifers once had lined the narrow valley.
Coast Douglas fir is currently the second tallest conifer in the world (after coast redwood).
The last is Japan's tallest conifer reaching 40 metres in height.
The castle's layout was fitted to the slope of the site, and to a semicircle of six tall conifers.
The site is marked by tall conifers and a dry remnant of the moat ditch and bank.
Three-hundred-foot tall conifers look even bigger when you're 4-foot-something.
Overhead, one of the tall native conifers cracked with a report like gunfire.
Through wet eyes that blurred her vision, she looked the other way at the forest of tall conifers.
Within this shelter was more of the vegetation she had seen along the river, tall conifers and a great deal of brush.
There was a steady drizzle, and raindrops dripped from the tall conifers in the compound.