Keepers encourage their foraging behavior by placing tall bamboo stems in their exhibit.
Therefore from the powder of the mace grew tall bamboo which surrounded the entire Dwaraka region.
Unlike the public baths, this one is completely open to the elements, cut off from the outside only by a tall bamboo fence.
It was like being at a shrine, standing in that grove, the tall, straight bamboos rising like columns over your head.
It then winds among tall bamboo to a flowered, circular area in front of the simple hotel doorsteps.
He found her in her old spot, lying down amongst the tall bamboo stems.
Silently they passed a stand of tall, whipthin bamboo.
On late full-moon nights, her favorite place was a grove of tall green bamboo with some pretty rocks strewn around.
Beyond the oiled rice paper soji, the tall bamboo swayed in the gathering wind.
They used the outhouse for a while (it still works) and built an outdoor shower that stands behind a curtain of tall bamboo.