He is not a long tall Texan.
So many tall tales about Texas exist that a tall Texan takes it upon himself to separate the fact from the fiction.
"Anything's a possibility," responds the tall Texan, who was hired as chairman in 1981, when Pan Am was nearly broke.
Mark Bunting, a tall, handsome Texan, hopes to change all that.
Vaughn was a solidly built and tall Texan with graying hair and a cowboy drawl.
The tall, lanky Texan strode into the dance hall.
The tall Texan walked over and dropped into a chair.
Away from the town, Finn glanced at the tall Texan.
David liked and respected the tall, mustached, 66-year-old native Texan, an amiable but careful man, regarded as a scrupulous though very tough prosecutor.