The DVD's commentary feature begins with the type of disclaimer usually heard at the beginning of a talk-radio show.
She called in to a talk-radio show on Thursday and the arrest warrant for her was discussed, but neither she nor members of her staff would say where she was.
That's why I've got a talk-radio show now.
This morning on a talk-radio show, Mr. Curry fielded calls about his property tax proposal.
In Minnesota, Mr. Ventura, 47, had name recognition, primarily from his talk-radio show, and that made up for his lack of campaign funds.
St. Joseph's remains the toast of Philadelphia in every church, barbershop, convenience store and talk-radio show.
Getting that sophistication across on talk radio in a way that connected with the audience wasn't easy, believed Hart, whose own talk-radio show flopped.
The transformation into Mr. Traffic occurred in 1990 when Morse called in to correct the host of a talk-radio show about a question regarding a traffic citation.
He is the second highest rated talk-radio show in the United States, for his work with his show called The Sean Hannity Show.
His talk-radio show is distributed by Fox News Radio.