Almost a year later, a general election imminent, talk persisted that third candidate, Col. Lawrence Williams, would stand against her as a true Liberal candidate.
Meanwhile, the quiet talk about a Gephardt candidacy in 1996 persists.
The very existence of such issue was hotly denied by some, yet talk of them had persisted.
One fear among his aides is that if talk of a 1992 Cuomo candidacy persists, it will undercut the Governor's role in this election year.
Still, the talk persists.
The talk has persisted despite the vast differences between the two countries.
Although there have been state budget cuts and cutbacks in services, along with a rise in taxes, talk of a large state budget deficit persists.
As talks of other candidates persisted, Nixon continued to campaign and discussed the issues.
He is in the second year of a four-year contract, yet the underground talk has persisted that he may be in trouble.
Dow also decided that it was time it found out exactly why the talk persisted.