District 303's educational program is characterized by a tradition of recognized academic achievement, talented faculty, many highly successful championship level athletic teams and award winning fine arts programs.
Our school, P.S. 253 in Brooklyn, has a most productive and talented faculty and a motivated student body.
To Dr. Briggs, the college's greatest changes these day center around campus housing and the ability to recruit a talented faculty.
The learning environment is enriched by a team of highly talented & motivated faculty and staff, and an illustrious leadership.
The dedicated highly able, and talented faculty and staff ensure that the needs of students are met in ways that exceed the expectations of the community.
From 1963 to 1966, Olum served as Mathematics Department chair, and recruited a number of talented faculty.
Despite the best efforts of a dedicated and talented faculty and staff, inflation and unemployment weakened the schools finances, in the early 1970s.
We have excellent students and a talented faculty who are highly regarded as classroom teachers and scholars.
These standards are evident in our Gifted and comprehensive programs as well, and maintained by a talented and dedicated faculty.
"We also have a very talented faculty and a curriculum tied to career opportunities."