In the finale she shows talent playing the electric guitar, and Galileo declares that she is a reincarnation of Brian May, only this time "he's a babe".
It was a dominating performance, a 17-for-22 shooting performance that did not create the discomforting aura of a superior talent playing one on five.
Born in Caerau near Maesteg in the north of the Llynfi Valley, Bateman was a precocious rugby talent playing for his Primary and Junior school team, Plasnewydd (coached by David Rogers), and the Maesteg Town team in the 1970s.
Mr. Grasso was born in Brooklyn and, at an early age, discovered a talent for music, playing drums, guitar and saxophone.
Pretty actresses, big in the bosom but small in the talent, playing suburban housewives unconvincingly, too nicey-nice to be real.
Her talents playing the guitar and the piano were judged to be well above the average.
Born in Norwich, England, Elliot was a young talent, playing in clubs as early as age eleven.
Livia was living with the Gonzaga family because of her musical talent playing the viol, under the instruction of Luzzasco Luzzaschi and the Ferrarese maestro di cappella, Ippolito Fiorino.
"He had a great talent for taking people who were not professionals, or professionals of a lesser order, and making them funny, playing to their strengths," said Mr. King.
He his a very smart manager and Argentina's national has a lot of talents playing in different countries.