By today, however, the tale that investors called "the Mexico story" had suddenly turned darker.
Here's where the tale turns absurd: The tax cuts of 2001, followed by those of 2002 and 2003, have busted the budget.
There are times when a tale about a village lass pretending to be a doll can turn tedious.
It's sunset; as the tale turns gloomier, images of darkness get more and more pervasive.
From that point on, the tale ran on its own legs, and turned into something I didn't expect.
The tales ran off one from another, and slowly turned into a truly disturbing account of human loss.
The dark tale might have turned them to stone like the boulders around the black pool.
As frustration becomes expressed as abuse, the tale turns to tragedy.
She was relieved when Tom Frederick continued his tale and everyone's attention turned back toward him.
The striking contrast tells the tale of a housing bonanza turned bust.