Remember, the tale in the streets runs that any man who faces him is cursed for self-destruction!
I haven't fought nearly as many demons as the tales run, though.
From that point on, the tale ran on its own legs, and turned into something I didn't expect.
'Your tales generally run along those lines, yes,' Merrano said, grinning.
The tale had run around Sarantium by now.
So runs the tale, and such probably were the facts.
"A darkness gathers in the north, where tales of vanished peoples run!"
The tale soon ran round Devonport - of a dead body carried across country by three men and a woman.
The novel is both a page turner and a cautionary tale of consumerism run amok.
Bishop Alexander, so the tale runs, had invited a number of fellow prelates to meet him at breakfast after a great religious function.