The harrowing tale revolves around her mother's failing health and the mounting expenses.
A local tale revolves around local aboriginals finding/stealing a bag of lime and mistakenly using it to make damper.
Many tales revolve around the ingenuity with which the Klephts procured and prepared their meals.
Each tale revolves on a deadly sin.
What interested me was the unique character about whom the tale revolves - the visored horseman who - but let us wait until we get to him.
These tales revolve around pagan rituals and dismembered bodies.
The hobo's second tall tale revolves around Lisa as Connie.
The tale revolves around Jean's career as a young gentilhomme who seeks his fortune in England.
Commonly, these tales revolve around the maltreated hero coming into his or her own.
As it happens, this tale revolves around a heavy-metal music group called Exorcist.