The tale has been translated into various languages and published around the world.
The tale has since been translated into various languages and published around the world and has become the most famous story by Andersen.
The tale has been translated into over a hundred languages.
But some tales that were added to Asbjørnsen and Moe's last edition, have not been translated by Dasent.
The tale is still in print, and has been translated and published in several languages.
Three tales from the Punjaub were collected and translated by Major Campbell.
The tale was translated into German in 1456 by Thüring von Ringoltingen, the version of which became popular as a chapbook.
Various tales have been translated into English, as well as folk tales containing some elements of fairy tales.
Later the tale was translated into the languages of all fifteen republics of the Soviet Union.
Since that publication, the tale has been translated into various languages and published around the world.