The tales illustrate perseverance, temper, economy, and are followed by a curious moral play, Honesty is the best policy.
That tale illustrates a curious aspect of contemporary American life.
It used various animal fables and magical tales to illustrate the central Indian principles of political science.
A tale of two states, Oregon and Texas, illustrates how and why this is happening.
This tale of two cities neatly illustrates why, virtually unnoticed by the outside world.
But that might well be the wrong choice, as the next tale illustrates.
But the tale also illustrates the changes occurring in the still-young world of Internet investing.
The tale of these discoveries illustrates how two different approaches to a problem can converge on a solution.
First off, his tale illustrates that an amputation is performed only as a last resort, after all other options have been considered.
A colonel's tale illustrates how fear of chaos led many to support the coup and blind themselves to the violence that came later.